I couldn't believe when i heard on a new bulletin, on the radio the other day, that some driving organisation wants young people to be banned from driving at night. What a load of complete rubbish! Do these people have nothing better to do with their time, than think up stupid ideas that would cause mass unemployment amongst nightworkers in the under 25 category!
What are other peoples views on this and their reasons behind these views?!
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
This is not a realistic solution-how would young drivers then gain experience to drive safely at night? What we need is a more structured instruction and license system that requires drivers to learn about the real responsibilities and dangers of being a road user, to take lessons at night and on motorways and to sign a contract which allows them to immediately lose their license if caught driving recklessly or without due care and attention. The current system clearly isn't working as well as it could. Some organisations do offer safety courses to young drivers with amazing results, lets make it compulsory.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Yes. It would mean less traffic at night for me.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
i agree with u that young drivers must be banned from drive at night because most of them are looking for high speed rather than safty and may cause many accidents because of that
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Yes they should of course, but I think it would be a good idea, although totally impractical, to do part of the test in the dark, even if it is on a simulator.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Only in the front seat
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Do they change into pumpkins at the witching hour?
They need to ban the old farts who have forgotten how to drive and do stupid manouvers that they probably thought of last week.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
i disagree as i know a lot of young drivers who do nightshift work so need there car for work but i do agree with the new insurance where you can get you car insured for diffrent times in the day and night so its cheaper for younger drivers but also restricts those who dont need to be out at night when a lot of the anti social behaviour happen with young drivers but another thing what about old gits what the feck are they doing o the road there causing more probs than young drivers driving 10mph on the motorway get them insurance and a diffrent country just for them to drive
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
I agree. I didnt think of mass unimployment tho. good 1. The question is what are the reasons behind THERE views(the people who came up with the idea). I mean if a driver doesnt get experience at driving at night, how will he drive at night. is there reason becuase they are unexperienced? I think what they are trying to imply, is that all young people drive fast and irresponsibly, but its not true what about the responsible ones.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
I think you'll find what they meant was young,inexperienced drivers ......usually full of alcohol
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Why should the government be allowed to micromanage our lives? I thought it was the parent's job to make those sorts of decisions for young drivers. If we continue to allow the government to make these decisions without standing up for our rights we will end up with no rights at all. Granted some parents do not make the decisions they should, but the mistakes are theirs to make and the natural consequences are harsh enough. I do not believe that government should make laws to protect us from our own stupidity. I should not have to suffer for the mistakes of others. Yes, young drivers should be allowed to drive at night if their parents allow them to.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
it is not the young drivers that are the danger, its the dithering old farts that don't know where they are going and still haven't worked out how to use an indicator yet. My reason for this view is through experience of using the same roads as all other drivers for the past ten years.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Look at the accident and death statistics for young drivers at night, then compare them to other age groups; that might help to reach an impersonal and unbiased answer. I haven't done that, so in a sense, I am not answering your question, just suggesting a way to find one.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
I think that it should be legal if your 18 and older, I think that people under 18 should be allowed to drive at night if they're with their parents or an adult.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Is this in the Glorious People's Republic of (Formerly) Great Britain? I don't think kids under 18 should be allowed to drive at night, but once you are old enough to serve in the Military you should be (but aren't) considered an adult. In the US 18-21 y.o. are second class citizens.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
People over 50 should be banned from driving after dark. Their vision %26amp; ability to perceive deteriorates. Unfortunately they are the ones who put forward these sort of sily ideas.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
What we need is stronger laws for people who have just passed their driving test. I think that after pasing a test, you shouldn't be allowed to drive a car bigger than1.2 litre and you have to wear a probation badge for the first year, and it should be NO DRINKING ALCHOL at all . If you keep a clean licence for the first year, then you can drive a car with a bigger engine up to 2ltr Remember it's after you have passed your test that you learn to drive.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
it's not micromanagement, it's the facts! where i live most car wrecks are by the 25 %26amp;under. i'm 48 and i never wreck a car. my naughter is 19 she didn't buy a sports car she bought a 4 wheel anti lock air bag geo. nothing sporty to show off with. it also comes down to responsibility no booze, NO drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
As an under 25, I'm 24 and have been driving since 17. I have been driving day and night - and not one accident, or even a speeding ticket. It's all complete bullshit.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
ofcourse YES..until they had their licensed theres nothing to worry...and its a democracy country bro..
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
i think its rubish. if you pass your test you pass, you can drive whenever you like. if they think young people driving at night is a problem then make them take an extra lesson in night-time driving. otherwise why give them a licence in the first place. (and im not under 25 im 32.)
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
There's a whole army of do-gooders and self appointed "experts" who would be very happy to have men with red-flags, walking in front of vehicles, warning other road users and horse-riders of our impending approach.
They're the same type of people who have removed first-aid boxes from work-places, for fear of becoming liable in the event that you suffer an allergic reaction to a sticking-plaster! (I kid you not)
They want to ban fast cars, climbers, pot-holers, rifle shooting, cliff-walking, trucks from city centres, hoodies, cigarettes, alcohol, junk food, things which offend public decency, adult entertainment, toy guns, children going on field trips, canoeing, fishing, sailing, hang-gliding, internet chat rooms, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, controversial films, books and plays.
They are called "the new puritans" who find a voice in the press and in politics today and who have contributed heavily in making Britain the dullest and most oppressive society in Europe.
My one wish is, that the young of to-day can see these people for what they are, and tell them where to go. They can, of course, use their vote to get rid of a party which has enacted 2,000 laws, created a police-state and systematically dismantled the British way of life and its traditional respect for individuality and freedom.
As for under 25's driving at night, I would have thought that they were the best equipped of all, because they tend not to be blind.
Aren't you glad that you live in such an OLD country with such ANCIENT traditions?
Maybe the idiots who dream up these ideas, and presumably get paid large amounts of money for doing so, should remember that it is the young who are the backbone of the economy, and especially those who are in the 17-20 age bracket, who work harder and longer than most, and who are in such short-supply, that we actually need migrant workers to plug the gap.
Unless the questioner happens to be the young "w*****r" who passed my truck doing at least 150mph the other week on a wet rural road, in what was probably a stolen BMW 7-series, I would suggest that they just ignore what these fools come out with.
"Have fun, but play safely"
(The person who claims that people over 50 shouldn't drive at night, should be aware of the fact that 90% of nightime truck drivers are over 50, and pass stringent eyesight tests)
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
***** them thats when all street races start!
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Its just a bunch of pathetic losers coming up with stupid ideas isnt it!! I think its ridiculous and will cause so many problems because im 21 and I would not abide to it. I go out a lot and sometimes drive back if I go far and its usually 4 in the morning and im not stopping going out in a million years
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
I reckon its a lot safer driving at night as theres usually a lot less traffic.I live on a duel carriageway through the day mayhem at night peacefull.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
Very good idea. I had some idiot of a young lad smack into my car which was parked for the night and drive off.Young lads just can't drive and they drive way beyond their abilities. I wish the police would do something more about them as they pose a great danger on the roads.
Should young drivers be allowed to drive at night?
how are new drivers going to get experience driving in the dark ? its a completely diff kind of driving ....
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