Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

I am an ROTC cadet and I am curious if this kind of behavior violates army values. Whenever, i get mad or frustrated with school or a failed crush, I post a bulletin on myspace with lots of profanity and rage against school or something. My ROTC buddies complain to me cause my display pic is of me in uniform and say that it presents a bad image of the army. One time I posted a bulletin with 500 f-words and complained about school, relationships and life in general cause I was so frustrated. Usually I do this after failing a test. I usually do it cause it ventilates the stress caused by it. Does this behavior break any army values and if so which ones? And why do they care about the things I say on Myspace when I get mad. Also are their any suggestions for a better way to ventilate this kind of stress????

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

Wow, are you kidding? First, posting a picture of yourself in uniform as the way you self-identify when you haven't been commisioned yet is a little off, but hey-wear it with pride. How many tests are you failing that this is so much of a problem? Why on earth do you count the number of times you use a particular profane word? Also, you do realize that in the military, your personal webpages must be reported to and monitored by your intelligence section for breaches of security, don't you? But anywho:

You are in training to become an officer in the United States Army, a 232 year old tradition. The men and women that have worn the uniform before you have fought and died to ensure it's honor and maintain the dignity of the armed services. Although there have been some bad eggs, the military in general is fairly good at policing itself. The Army provides every incoming soldier/officer with a set of values and guidelines specifically so that every soldier/officer begins with a base framework to measure their actions against. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Duty are the core concepts that make up the Army values that all soldiers and their officers in particular are expected to embody. When you trash talk indiscriminately online for all the world to see you violate all of the Army values. Loyalty to your country and fellow servicemembers by posting your immaturity on an international stage and lessening the credibility of our armed forces, Duty to your fellow soldiers to maintain the image of the Officer corps and to provide a leadership example to the enlisted soldiers and possible recruits, fullfill those obligations. Respect, ever heard of the golden rule? It applies in the military as well, how we consider others reflects upon us as an organization and as a nation. Selfless service-stop dwelling on what is so wrong in your world (a failed crush-seriously?) and concentrate on bettering yourself for the soldiers you hope to lead. Soon, a life may depend on something you didn't bother to learn (stop failing your tests, good God!) The internet is chock full of resources for professional development, use them. Consider for a moment that while you are so upset about your friday night, someone else is bleeding out in a combat zone, depending on their LT to call in a CASEVAC with the utmost competency. Honor, it is a way of life- honor your uniform by maintaining professional demeanor, and striving for excellence, and living up to all of your core values. Integrity, do what is right- do you really think trash talking your school is the right thing to do when you fail to study or study incorrectly? Is that the right thing? Personal Courage, have the balls to realize your own failings and level of maturity and work to correct things. That might mean sucking it up and telling your buddies that they were right about you dishonoring the uniform by spreading your idiocy all over the web and taking your rants down. Keep a journal or something if you must, or see a therapist, or go for a run, something productive...sheesh.


Lisa, US Army

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

I think its time to Mature some

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

Find a better way to deal, take the picture of you in uniform off your page, grow-up some. Good Luck.


Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

You are violating most of the army values. One of the primary things ROTC is trying to teach you is to not vent like that. How would you look at the people that are in charge of you if you read that kind of writing on their webpages? That is exactly how people that look up to you think of you. You are losing respect, honor, and are showing a serious lack of judgement by blasting away everyone and everything that makes you upset. You will lose friends and you are dis-respecting your uniform. People care what you say, it is a direct reflection of you and of the ROTC. Your behaviour gives a bad image to any person in uniform because people that are not familiar with how the military works think that your behaviour is condoned when in fact it is not. Find a better outlet. Try a punching bag and delete those blogs. You aren't venting stress, you are leaving a fairly permanent list of your most personal feelings that you can access at any time and refresh the negative feelings. Let it go. Learn to vent in a better way.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

Code of conduct. Please do not do that again. You do not deserve to soil the uniform that millions have dies to give you the right to wear. When you get mad, change your clothes and go to a gym. The Military does not need your type so you had better work on correcting your attitude.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

You are going to be a officer in the armed services, you need to find a better way to vent. Your men will have little or no respect for a leader who throws a temper tantrum every time something doesnt go thier way. Take all that anger and work out,at least you will max out your PT.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

You are bringing discredit to your unit and to your country..Next time you wish to vent just remove your picture and place a picture of yourself without the uniform..Your actions reflect on what you have learned in ROTC so your making them look bad because you have control or anger issues..But you are correct in venting, just find a different way to do this..

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

You make your self look like an @ss H---.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

because people see you as a person to look up to and when you do that kind of stuff it tells people that people in the army( or whatever branch your in) r all like this and blah blah blah. beleave it or not people do think like that...i know they need to stop eating paint chips off there house. but for venting anger find the closest animal near by and kick it......................dont that would be mean, and you would pbly piss it off and it kills you :)

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

When you don that uniform...even a Cadet ROTC uniform, you are representing all those soldiers current, past and present that have shed their blood and given an amount of sacrifice to the service. Your actions in that uniform are a reflection of them and you bear a responsibility to uphold their honor. To act in such a manner in that uniform is to dishonor all those before you and reflects poorly on their legacy. You can do whatever the hell you want on myspace. You CANNOT do it wearing something that represents such a precarious mantle. You cannot passively imply the service endorses any of your actions.

You an Army ROTC cadet, you are training to lead men and women. You will put them before your own needs. You will be the first awake, the last to sleep. Your men will eat while you wait in the back of the line. You will do everything in your power to make sure they are trained, equipped and well taken care of. You will never ask them to do anything you are not willing to do yourself. Because one day, might knock on a door and have to explain to a soldier's parents what happened to him and who's responsibility it was. You will be wearing that uniform when you do it...

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

First of all, you are breaking nearly all of the Army Values. You are presenting a bad image of the Army and the ROTC. The Military needs officers that can control their anger, not control it, because everyone gets angry. You just need to learn to channel it. Go to the gym, type what you want to say to vent, and just don't post it. Or change you picture on Myspace.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

You sad fool.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

Loyalty. Duty. Respect. Selfless Service. Honor. Integrity. Personal Courage.

Dropping the F-bomb shows a lack of respect. Doing so behind a picture of yourself in uniform shows little to no honor or integrity. Using that as an outlet, instead of looking someone in the eye and telling them how you feel, that's a lacking in personal courage.

Man up. Stop being a whiney little school girl, and figure out that you're going to be leading soldiers some day. Leaders don't act like fools.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

not only is it against the values but u better watch how and what u say or it could be in violation of the ucmj. As in contemptous words, if u ever write or talk about ur chain of command unit ect. Could be an article 15 offense or however rotc does that. Use a private blog, and i'm really concerned if u have to ask this question if ur ready to be an officer. Ways of getting rid of stress, working out, pleasureable activies (read into that what u will), having a hobby, ect. Do something that makes u feel good about urself other than school like volunteer work, it will make urself and school seem less important in the sceme of the world and make u think of others besides what ur whole life is. This will help u think of ur men, ur office and ur service before urself. Besides some of it's just plain fun.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

If you are in uniform doing that then you are bringing disrespect to the armed forces. But brand new officers are known for being dumbasses. If you do stupid crap like that, who knows what you'll do when you get a commision. Just another cherry faced first lieutenant having to be trained by a competant platoon sergeant and first sergeant.

Which army values did I break????? Why do they care about this????

yeah..."Honor" "respect" "Loyaty" "Duty" just the big ones.

You are going to be an officer someday..and I hope, that as enlisted that I never work under such a POG. You need to learn how to NOT wear your emotions out in public like that. what, your crush doesn't like you back..grow up, get over it, and find another one. I assume you haven't been to basic? What the heck do you think you're gonna do there when you get mad? ou sure as sh-t can't post on myspace.

If you are going to cuss and carry on, and be a drama king/queen, take down the pic of yourself in uniform. It is demeaning to your unit, your CORPS and yourself. You look like an even bigger douch when you say cray crap on myspace.

You need to learn how to handle frustrations. How the h-ll are you gonna feel when you get a new private that doesn't know squat, and keeps messing up? You going to humilate him/her on myspace, behind his back, or are you going to suck it up..and teach them so they can correct themselvs?

stop with the myspace...

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