Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Should I tell him or not?

ok.. there's this guy and i've liked him for 14 years.. he's my grandma's next door neighbor and he just asked on myspace for whoever reads the bulletin to tell the truth about their feelings for him.. i don't know if i should tell him because it's over the internet and what if he doesn't like me.. i don't like saying what if but i know it's always there.. and i don't want to feel weird around him if he doesn't like me.. so what should i do.. please help me..

Should I tell him or not?

don't say it online, say it in person and see his reaction. I think too many people are scared of getting hurt so they won't take risks. My grandma used to be like that until one day, she stopped and realized what she was doing. twenty minutes later, she went to grandpa's house and told him that she really really liked him. He'd felt the same way for years. They've been married for almost forty years.

Should I tell him or not?

Just go for it. Be confident. How will you ever know if you don't try? It could be love, and love takes risks.

Should I tell him or not?

tell him! u will never know if he likes u unless u tell him u like him!the worst he can say is no but what if he says i like u too! u will never know unless u tell him

Should I tell him or not?

well, you should definitely tell him in person

i mean, hey, you never know what he will say.

if possible start spending a bit more time with him and see what happens

i think you should make a move ... but in person

not through the comp

i mean it has been 14 years

he obviously hasnt been picking up any hints (that is there were any)

so start making some or inc the vibe a little, see what happens

life is too short to waste

Should I tell him or not?

resit the urge to tell him how you feel on myspace.

Should I tell him or not?

Just tell him that your feelings about him are best told in person.

Should I tell him or not?

i think you should tell him because who knows. maybe he likes you as well. and even if he doesn't like you, you'll never regret later on in ur life for not expressin your feelings. so tell him before its too late. but you should express your feelings in person. not on the internet.

Should I tell him or not?

I think you shouldnt say it online cause then the guy would get well..antsy around you and he might think ur stalking him or something. Instaed next time you see him just ask. This way the guy dosen't think your a chicken and he wont feel that akward around him. Good Luck!

Should I tell him or not?

Don't tell him over the internet! Trust me you'll regret it. I have taken some social risks over the internet and it hasn't turned out the way I'd like to remember. For instance, what if he says "yes". Then you'll be remembering that special moment through an empty digital connection. Plus other people might be able to see it.

It's worth the risk. Tell him your feelings in person. Life is too short for regrets. If he says "no", just respect his decision. You have more to gain, than to lose. At least he doesn't live with your Grandma.

Should I tell him or not?

This same thing happend to me what ur saying about the bulletin thing. U should actually sent him a message and tell him that how do u feel about him and see what happends, u never know he might liked u for a very long time to.

Good Luck!

Should I tell him or not?

14 years??!!? JFC, girl. Chit or get off the pot already.

What are ya doin sweatin this for sooo long? Also, what does granny think of the guy? if she thinks he's o.k. then ask her to drop a hint or 2 and get some feedback since it sounds you are so terrified.

Should I tell him or not?

Wait till you are 18 so he doesn't go to jail. You have liked him for 14yrs so wait alittle while. I hope you like him enough not to have your dad send him to jail.


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