Sunday, December 6, 2009

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

I broke up w/ this guy and we'd been going out for about a month and this friend of his, started talking crap about me for no reason except that I broke up w/ him. She posted a bulletin on her MySpace calling me a "man whore" and other things and @ the bottom she wrote "except she's a girl". She won't stop and she thinks it's funny but it really hurts. Even the guy I broke up w/ agrees that I don't deserve this just because I broke up w/ him. What do I do?

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

u tell her y is she doing that 4 if its none of her busness n tell her how u feel about it

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

You beat the out of her, take a pic of her down and bleeding, and post it on your MySpace

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

u get back at him, show him your not hurting and get him so bad that he crys!!

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

Tell her off and talk bad about her. every girl has a B**** in her

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

And her opinion is worth exactly what?

She has the right to her opinion and the right to speak as she pleases, however what she thinks and says are no more valid than the opinions of anyone else.

Ignore what she says - Living Well is Truly The Best Revenge.


Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

Talk to this girl, and if that doesnt work, your going to have to tell someone higher up. Maybe a teacher, a parent, or even the principal. No one should be allowed to do that to other people, even on Myspace.

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

Ignore it. The only reason why they tease you like that is because they are hurt or because they don't want your ex to feel hurt. It will eventually roll over, but until then, your best bet is to ignore it.

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

Leave her a comment on her myspace page and tell her she's a real class act - from the "man whore". Tell her you'll let everyone know that she is putting her nose in other people's business and that she is just awesome for being so immature - it clears the way for all the cool guys to come to you.

And don't worry about it - she's obviously just a stupid twit. Don't give it another thought - she wanted him, you had him and kicked him to the curb and now she's trying to angle her way in to getting him by "supporting" him or whatever. It's just trifling. She wants what you had - so just let her dwell on that.

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

Ok first of all that prob. does hurt and im srry, %26amp; the only reason she does that is because she prob. likes the guy u broke up w/. and if she calls u names REVENGE is NOT the thing than it will just B a constant battle between u...ask her Y shes calling u these names ..and if she doesnt say and she still does it........just ignore her it will come soon enough that she doesnt have a reason 2 so she'll just quit... Good Luck!!!!

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

I'm not sure how old you are, or how old this girl is, but she sounds VERY immature. She is entitled to feel however she wants to about you but what she is doing is actually harassment/slander by posting those things. I think that you need to stand up to her. Tell her to stop. If she doesn't, I would document her harassing behavior and take it to a school principal or whoever the proper authorities are. I would even let myspace know that it is happening. Let her know that you aren't f***ing around! Really, be strong and stand up for yourself because you don't deserve that kind of crap from anyone.

Okay this girl is talking crap about me...?

do nothing....she wants to get a reaction out of u. if u dont give her that satisfaction she will run out of steam. try smiling at her be overly nice it will kill her and make her angry at me been there done that it works

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