Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How do you have a moving sale without having one??

Ok I need to sell EVERYTHING of mine as I am moving, but I found out my building doesn't allow sales of any kind.

How do I go about getting rid of everything without posting signs. I have considered having an "invitation only" moving sale. Where there are no signs, but I posted online and on bulletin boards saying call such and such for the address. I will also instruct everyone that if anyone asks, then they are just "visiting".

My building manager and office staff doesn't work on the weekends, so I may get away with it. But it is the condo association I am worried about.

I also cannot bring everything I need to sell (couch, bits and pieces) to another site so a flea market set up is out of the question.

Any idea or tips on going about doing this???

How do you have a moving sale without having one??

Try sellling on www.craigslist.com. OR can you bring everything to a friend's private home (garage). Big things can be photographed and posted at the "garage sale"

Another idea we had (because we are in the same boat as you!) is putting together "starter packages" for college students entering student housing . . . . i.e. toaster,coffee maker, kitchen linens, bathroom linens, desk top accessories. All put into packages that are priced and cannot be broken apart. Parents who are sending kids off to college love these packages, saves them money from buying new stuff. Good Luck

How do you have a moving sale without having one??

place an ad in the paper saying that you are moving and a brief description of items to be sold, (living room, dining room, bedroom furniture, dishes, glassware, odds and ends)

if you need to sell clothes list it with the sizes ( women's 5 to 10, boys 4T - 7, etc). then leave a phone number. you cant get in trouble for having an invited guest come to your house. the things you cant get rid of before moving, try donating to a church that helps the needy, or a womens shelter might know where to donate items.

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