Monday, November 30, 2009

Mommies! Thoughts?

I am breastfeeding but my son gets an occasional bottle of expressed milk.I am wondering if ALL the plastic bottles have the same risk ? or is it only the brands listed?The playtex nurser is safe right? since its baggies.....

((The group tested five popular baby bottle brands -- Avent, Dr. Brown's, Evenflo, Gerber and Playtex -- all five of which leached bisphenol A at levels "found to cause harm in numerous laboratory animal studies,"

Bisphenol A has been linked by scientists to cancers, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes and hyperactivity, Gibson said. ))

***I got this information from a myspace bulletin, and not sure what to think of it.***Is it true????***

Mommies! Thoughts?

medela's bottles are bisphenol A FREE

the free bottles tend to have a hazy coloring to them intead of that clear shiny "pretty" appearance

this is also a good reason to use glass bottles

and to the poster about antibodies and glass.....REALLY?...i didn't know that.....i am going to do some more research on that right now..thanks

okay i am are some links on this....can you give a site that supports your claim?...cuz this interests me....and this first link says medela reccommends glass

Mommies! Thoughts?

What the first person said is true. The milky or hazy colored bottles that are more flexible are the better ones. The hard, inflexible plastic bottles that are completely clear are unsafe.

I read that the one with the baggies is also better. Here is a website that has the information about them:

Mommies! Thoughts?

FYI - glass bottles may not be a good choice for pumping moms because the antibodies in breast milk stick to glass at a microscopic level.

Mommies! Thoughts?

Oh my I didn't even think of this when I decided to nurse my son. My other children were adopted so I did not get the chance to nurse. I used Playtex nursers for all my kids as they have such a wide variety of nipples to choose from and then the bottles did not go to waste. I use the Playtex bottle for when I supplement which is probably 1 time every other week or so. I also use the Playtex breast milk storage container so I do not have transfer the milk from one container to other. They are very hard to find though and I had to order them because I could not find them in stores.

Mommies! Thoughts?

I'm not going to talk about bottles and studies. It seems you had good answers above, as well as links to websites. My thought, however, can be used for any publicity for or against a product. Don't change your life drastically because of any news on food or product. Be sensible and remember there are a lot of healthy kids running around who have been bottle fed with one of those bottles. I'm saying this because my daughter is one of them.

If you are mostly breastfeeding your child, that's great! Don't stress too much over scientific studies results. If those bottle presented such significant harm to a baby they would have all been recalled. Enjoy your little one and don't worry too much about exagerated publicity.

Mommies! Thoughts?

I would think that the Playtex Nursers are safe. I use them with my son and the standard liners rather than the drop ins. I don't understand how the plastic would leach chemicals if it never touches the milk.

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